~ Robin Sharma
Throughout July, my focus has been on “community.” I’ve discussed finding the community that aligns with your inner needs and taken a look at how community relates to prosperity. In my most recent Chi Insight video, I talked about being a valuable community member. Continuing with that thought, valuable members of a community give back to their community by being of service.
In any sort of functional, positive relationship (and that’s what being a member of a community is: a relationship) there has to be a balanced exchange of energy. You get back what you give. When you receive, you should share with others. That’s one of the first social concepts we teach young children.
As I’ve mentioned several times this month, when you use the Bagua to look at the flow of Chi, or life energy, throughout your home or office, one thing a Feng Shui consultant will look for is balance between areas of the Bagua. For instance, if you’re looking for recognition or fame through your career or some other aspect of your life, a Feng Shui consultant will not only look at the “fame” area of your home or office, which is situated in the the center space of the back wall, but also the “career” area which is directly opposite and located in the center space of the front wall of your home or office.
The two areas, which are opposite each other on the Bagua, need to be in balance and harmony. It’s good to note that the “career” area is also considered an area of service.
If there are missing pieces, cut outs, or issues that need “cures,” in either the “career” or “fame” areas of your space, that depleted energy can manifest in both the “career” and “fame” areas of your life and you can end up struggling to achieve the recognition or fame you are seeking. The imbalance can also manifest in your sense of community. Both areas need to be examined to make sure the career (and service) energy, as well as the fame energy, is supported and enhanced.
It’s important to ask yourself, “am I of service to others?” “How do I help or serve others on a regular basis?” “ How do I give back to my communities?” This can be of particular importance to retired people. They may not be seeking fame or recognition through their career any longer, but they have skills and experience that can be of benefit to others and those gifts should be put to good use.
As I’ve mentioned earlier this month, there are many, many types of communities and there are just as many ways to be of service. A warm smile costs nothing to share. Offering to share your career experience with another person on that path can make an incredible difference in a life. Initiating or volunteering to help set-up for a gathering helps nurture the group in a variety of ways.. Just talking with new members of the community is welcoming and compassionate. Think about what you enjoy doing and do it!
The happiness you feel will be shared with others. What you give will be returned. Service to others is an important way to feed your soul.