My focus for this month is “community.” Community is an essential component of a balanced, happy life for many reasons, but it’s frequently overlooked when considering and striving for prosperity. Prosperity and community go hand-in-hand and it’s really all about balance.
Prosperity is directly linked to community. In Feng Shui I use the Bagua as a template to put on the layout of homes and offices. The “Wealth” area of the Bagua falls in the far back left corner of the space. Many times, when people are struggling financially, they look to the wealth corner to see if enhancements are missing or if there is something detrimental to wealth that requires a “cure.” All of that is a wonderful start, but I take the evaluation of homes and offices further by looking in the same way at the “Helpful People” area of the Bagua, which is in the front right corner of the space.
The “Helpful People” area lies at the opposite corner of the “Wealth” area and is just as important when working towards prosperity. The definition of prosperity, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “the condition of being successful or thriving; especially economic well-being.” I think that definition compliments quite beautifully the way I look at prosperity through my knowledge of Feng Shui. Wealth alone does not make you thrive or create success. In fact wealth alone, without community, creates quite a lonely existence. But, wealth with community brings prosperity, “the condition of being successful or thriving.”
Creating community, and a sense of connection, is essential to life. Communities come in many shapes and forms. Community is all about connection: from our neighborhoods, to our spiritual centers; from our old friends, to new friends met through work or volunteering; from our biological family to our chosen family; all are communities within our lives. To engage actively in our communities reinforces connection and the balanced flow of energy (money and wealth are a form of energy). To move forward towards our goal of prosperity, we must help others because that builds community, and through community, others will help us.
It’s important to remember that what we give will be returned, that’s the balance of life.